First of all go to Product Information Management –> Common –> Released Product then click on New
Do not forget to mark CW Product Check Box while creating new Product
Then click OK button and you can see the New Product in Product Information Management
Define unit of conversion of Product; remember that we have taken Inventory and Purchasing unit “KG”
After setting unit of conversion go to the Product and edit that then go to Manage Inventory tab and select catch weight unit as Bales
and add minimum and maximum quantity to be received. Note that minimum and maximum quantity will be the quantity to be received in Kilograms not bales
Setups have been done. Now, we need to receive the same Product for this follow the below navigation
Go to Procurement & Sourcing –> Common –> Purchase Orders –> All Purchase Orders then click on New PO
Select vendor and click Okay
Then select the Product on Purchase order lines
After taking Product and its quantities click on Update Line tab and select Registration
This will be done after confirmation of Purchase order and before Receiving of Goods but at this stage user must know the actual weight of the Product which user is going to receive.
Now click on Auto create
After clicking on Auto Create checkbox, the total quantity of that Product will copy in Register now
Now user can register the actual weight of the goods received. Let’s say we have set the conversion from Bales to Kilograms 150 kg but at the time of receiving when Product was measured on weighing bridge user came to know that actual conversion is 1 Bale = 200 kilograms then here user will register the quantity with actual weight even batch number wise
But registration is only based on minimum and maximum quantities setup on Catch Weight you can see in the above screen shot that setup conversion was 150 kilogram but registration has been done with 200 kilograms conversion
After this go to the Product Receipt for receiving the Product
Enter Product Receipt number
In above Posting Product Receipt screen you can see on lines The CW quantity remains same but conversion factor has been changed from 150 kg conversion to registered 200 kg conversion
Now click Ok for receipt.
Now you can check “On Hand” inventory will show the inventory of received product
You can see the receiving of goods in different batches with actual weight of the Product received.
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